Thursday, November 4, 2010

Article From The Essential Six Considerations For The Construction Of A Chicken Coop House

Any would be chicken framer needs to start with a
chicken coop house plan

1)Location--In real estate they say it is always,
"Location, location, location". That holds true
when constructing a chicken house, as well.

The chickens you are raising need to be kept dry.
This aspect must be taken into account during the
planning phase of your coop project. Have you
taken advantage of the natural terrain—for

2)Orientation - How your chicken coop is situated
will have an impact on how well your chickens
thrive. Is your coop facing the very best way to
take advantage of the natural sunlight? Are
there nearby trees or buildings that could act as

3)Feeder & Waterier - Not only is location of
your waterier and feeder important, but so is the

Chickens need access to clean fresh water while
eating. Have you taken steps to make sure the
chickens' water won't freeze over during cold

4)Protection from Bad Weather— Chickens are
tough birds and can easily handle weather
extremes, except for one—Wind. Cold winter
winds will kill chickens.

Any chicken coop house plan must include a way to
well seal your coop and protect your birds from
these winds. At the same time you need to allow
for good ventilation during hot weather.

5)Protection from Predators-- Is your coop
protected from digging predators - Rats, Skunks,
Raccoons neighborhood dogs? The steps you need to
take to protect your chickens will depend
somewhat on the type of predators you will be

6)Proper Placement of the Nesting Boxes-—
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you will
want the nesting areas in your coop to be
situated to the very best advantage for you and
your chickens.

What you don't want is your chickens roosting and
sleeping on the nesting boxes, but at the same
time you will want your hens attracted to the
boxes to lay their eggs. Once the eggs have been
laid a convenient way to harvest the eggs will be
very much appreciated by you once this becomes a
daily occurrence.

This might seem like a lot of detail, but all of
these concerns need be considered before you
start building home chicken coops.

You have to start with a good well written plan -
all of these issues are can be addressed in a
simple step-by-step format--easy to follow--easy
to implement--easy on the pocket book.

Want to learn more about an easy method for
building Chicken Coops? Visit my website at for helpful tips
and information on planning, building, and
maintaining a great chicken coop.

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