Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bird Dander Air Cleaner---5 Features You Don't Want

Living with a bird means you've got bird dander.
Add that to the normal household pollutants and
the air can literally become pretty thick which
is bad news for both you and your bird. But
using the right kind of air cleaner can
virtually eliminate these pollutants. Here are
5 features to stay away from when choosing your
air cleaner for dander.

Plastic---As a bird watcher you know that
particles are constantly going airborne when
your bird plays, preens, swings, flies, and
comes to rest on your should or perch. Because
these particulates are being continually
generated, the air purifier needs to run all the
time. And with a plastic case, this can be a
problem. The motor heat will eventually heat the
outside of any unit. With plastic, the heat can
cause it to off-gas fumes into the air. Because
birds' respiratory systems are so efficient it
also makes them more vulnerable to these fumes.
And sometimes their exposure to them can be

Choose a steel purifier and you eliminate this
worry.. Some types of birds have incredibly
strong beaks, and with plastic there is the
possibility that they could break off a piece
and be injured or worse. A steel case eliminates
this type of injury as a possibility.

Ozone---This is a gas that the EPA has deemed
unsafe at any level in an indoor space. This gas
is dangerous for birds and for people too..
Studies have shown that the level of ozone
necessary to be effective at removing pollutants
would need to be so high that it would be deadly.
Don't take the chance with something that is
clearly not effective?

No Filters---Pollutants come in a variety of
sizes. So the more varied the sizes of the
filters in your cleaner are, the more able they
will be to remove a greater variety of
pollutants.. Not having filters is a big red
flag and usually means a purifier that will
require lots of maintenance.. A unit with a
large and medium particle pre-filter, a high
efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter, and
carbon cloth are the best possible combination of
filters to have in a unit for bird dander..

Together these filters can take out big
particles you can see all the way down to
microscopic ones that are as small as .3
microns. And by the way, a micron is defined as
one millionth of a meter which is basically
invisible particles that are way smaller than
the period at the end of this sentence.

Limited Motor---The motor is probably one of the
most important features to get right. If you are
going to keep the air clean, the unit must be
able to keep the level of pollutants low. In
order to maintain healthy air quality the motor
needs to be able to run continuously whether you
are home or the birds are home alone. A split
capacitor motor will allow the cleaner to run
safely and effectively and give you piece of
mind about the air you and your birds are

One of the best ways to give your bird a long
and healthy life is to keep its air passages
clear of both bird-related and household
pollutants. Using a cleaner whose only
by-product is fresh, clean air will help you
provide your bird with the best quality of life

See the Bird Dander Air Purifier from that thousands of bird lovers use
every day at

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