Monday, July 11, 2011

What Do Ducks Eat? Take the Care and Heart For Keeping Ducks the Right Way

Have you ever wondered what do ducks eat? Ducks
are considered aquatic birds. They can live in
both fresh and salt water.

When you are through reading this, you will be
able to know about what do ducks eat.

Some people who are keeping ducks as pets have
the practice of feeding ducks stale breads. This
practice is actually unhealthy and can be
potentially dangerous to birds. Bread and other
products like chips, crackers, and donuts are
good sources of carbohydrates but they don't
have other nutritional value for birds. Bread is
considered junk food for birds. Too much bread
will lead to excessive weight gain, as well as
malnutrition in ducklings.

Bread can be fattening to ducks and it will be
harder for them to fly if they become heavy.
Feeding ducks a lot of bread can lead to a host
of other problems.

1) Overcrowding - where there is abundant food
source, ducks and other birds will lay more eggs
which will make the pond or lake overcrowded.
This increases the possibility of territorial
2) Malnutrition - when ducks are regularly fed
with bread, ducklings do not receive the
nutrition that they need for proper growth.
3) Pollution - when there is too much bread
being offered to ducks, naturally not all of it
will be eaten. The soggy, uneaten bread will rot
which will lead to algae growth that has the
tendency to clog natural waterways.
4) Diseases - moldy bread is the main cause of
aspergillosis, which is a fatal lung infection
that can affect the entire flock.
Carbohydrate-rich diet will lead to greater
defecation. Bird feces will harbor bacteria that
are responsible for numerous diseases.

So what do ducks eat then?

Most ducks' diet includes grass, small fishes,
insects, aquatic plants, worms and small
mollusks, and small amphibians like frogs. Wild
ducks will live longer and healthier lives if
they rely on these natural food sources. There
is specie of ducks called the goosander that can
catch and eat large fishes. If you will need to
feed ducks, you can try grapes that are cut in
half, barley, oats, birdseed, and duck feed
pellets that can be bought from supply stores.

You can get additional information about what do
ducks eat in the Web. If you want to raise ducks
as pets or as a means of livelihood, you have to
take that responsibility and heart to be able to
care for them the right way.

If you think you still need guidance on where to
start, consulting existing duck owners and
farmers will certainly be a big help. Are you
looking for more tips on what do ducks eat? If
you would like to learn more about raising ducks
correctly, please visit:

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