Sunday, September 25, 2011

Effective Obedience Training For Your Canine

Dogs that are well trained and completely
obedient to their owners are what everyone
wants. Obedience training is therefore widely
sought after by dog owners in all parts of the
world. It is through obedience training that a
dog learns different commands and how to react
when given each of those commands. This requires
a great deal of trust to be built between the dog
and its owner as there are many times when the
dog's instincts will be contrary to the command
issued. To get through such situations, the dog
must be able to trust that the person giving the
command knows better than its instincts.

The first level of obedience training is
therefore bond building between the dog and its
owner. If you have been occasionally mishandling
your dog and subjecting it to rough treatment,
obedience training will be a much greater
challenge. This is why some dog owners are
surprised to find their dogs responding better
to other trainers while making little or no
progress with them. Dogs will not quickly forget
good or bad treatment and the better you treat
them, the more inclined they are to obey you.

The next level of obedience training involves
equipping the owner or trainer with the
necessary skills to effectively and successfully
train the dog. Most people assume that you can
effectively train a dog while also learning how
to do it. The result will almost always be a
half trained dog since it was working with a
half baked trainer. Taking a few days a week to
research and learn the most effective ways of
training your dog will go a long way in
increasing your success rate and effectiveness
as a dog trainer.

Employing reward and punishment in all your
interactions with your dog will help with your
obedience training program. Your dog will know
that their every action can result in good or
bad consequences and they will behave and
respond in line with that. Effective obedience
training is a continuous undertaking that will
help you and your dog develop an unbreakable
bond that will last a lifetime.

Obedience training results in a dog that is safe
and reliable. Visitors, other animals and even
the dog itself will be much safer after your dog
has undergone successful obedience training.
Doing it now and doing it right are the best
things you could do for you and your dog.

Cactus Canyon has been selling health and
well-being related solutions on the internet for
about 6 years now . One of their more popular
products is Synflex for arthritis for canine

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