Sunday, September 25, 2011

How To Get The Best Cheapest Dog Insurance Policy

By Luke Blaise

Before you can legally register your dog, you are required to purchase basic dog insurance which covers only third party liability. This will pay for injuries caused to other people by your dog. In case your pet has crossed another person's territory and destructed property, your insurer can also compensate the damages.

Aside from the basic plan, you should look at comprehensive medical coverage for your pet, as well. This can give you more peace of mind in case your dog gets sick or is injured in an accident. Insurers usually cover accidents, hospitalizations, medications, veterinary care and if necessary, even surgery.

You can purchase either a temporary or lifetime dog insurance plan. Another option is to get one that includes death benefits. Do your research and go for companies that can cover the medical conditions most common to your dog's breed.

Be a smart shopper by comparing prices and benefits. You can easily visit several websites that can give you a quote based on the things that you want covered. Read the fine print of the policy before you sign it and start paying premiums.

Your veterinarian and other friends who own pets are also good sources for referrals. Most of these plans set an annual deductible, and you will only get compensated for the injury or damages above such amount. See if the plans cover other areas such as vaccines, dental visits and annual medical exams.

Some insurance providers will only pay for your dog's medical needs if you use a vet who is in their list of accredited doctors. However, there are also some companies that will allow you to use your own vet and will just reimburse you for your costs. Do your research, make comparisons and select the best dog insurance plan that can respond well to your pet's needs.

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