Sunday, November 27, 2011

Helping Your Garden Hedgehogs

The British hedgehog population is in difficulty.
They are becoming an endangered species that are
facing many obstacles. The destruction of their
habitat, as well as facing the traffic on our
roads means their numbers are depleting.
Hedgerows and grasslands are in decline and the
use of pesticides means that the prey hedgehogs
live off are declining too. So if you are
fortunate enough to have one in your garden,
please take care of them.

Here are some tips for feeding and housing your
little garden visitors.

Using slug pellets is a hazardous problem not
just for hedgehogs but for birds and your pets.
Usually they are made up of cereal and
metaldehyde, which is extremely toxic. A
hedgehog is an ally for gardeners. Even though
hedgehogs may not eat the pellets they will eat
slugs and snails. I have tried the beer trick to
stop slugs from ruining my garden and it has
worked every time. Also hedgehogs aren't
interested in eating your flowers and plants so
show them a bit of consideration and try the eco
way first. It's good for all of the cute mammals
that may pass through your garden.

The main diet of a hedgehog consists of
insects, worms and other small mammals. Slugs
and snails make up about 5% of their food. Don't
feed hedgehogs milk and bread. Their stomachs
can't digest bread and cows milk gives them
diarrhoea which can dehydrate them and
eventually cause death. They are actually very
fussy eaters and will probably turn their noses
up at cheap cat or dog food. I have found that
plain flavours like chicken are their favourite
and they don't like fish flavours at all. Left
overs like mince and chicken is good for them,
but make sure to cut all the meat up as small as
possible. Of course the local cats may help
themselves, so you could also try unsugared
museli, weetabix or raisins. Also leave water
out for them with their food. As winter weather
freezes cat food quickly you can also feed them
cat and dog biscuits and crushed unsalted
peanuts. Hedgehogs should be fed all year round
and even though you may think they'll be
hibernating, they may wake up and need a quick

Your garden is big enough for the both of you.
All a hedgehog would need from you would be a
little thought. If you have a pond make sure you
cover it or at least ensure the sides aren't too
slippery. Hedgehogs can swim but if they can't
get out they will drown. A small piece of wood
attached to the side should help them to grip
and climb back out. Any drain holes should be
covered over. If possible leave a few small gaps
under your fences so that they can easily move
from garden to garden.

Bonfires are very attractive to hedgehogs for
nesting, please check them before lighting. That
would be a very cruel way for any animal to die.
If you can, let a small part of your garden
grow. They will love to nest and forage in the
long grass and leaves. You can of course buy
hedgehog homes which will most definitely
attract some spikey visitors.

As humans we have a responsibility to help the
food chain and wildlife around us survive. We
seem to be poisoning and destroying so much of
our own natural habitat that now species that
were common in my childhood England are
declining. We need the eco system to keep its
balance, so do whatever you can for the wildlife
around you.

Alex KellyAs an animal lover, my articles are
based on issues I feel are important for fellow
pet owners.Pet Promenade has everything you will
need for the furry member of the family. From pet
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