Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Basic Points to Consider When Inspecting Chihuahuas for Sale

By Chloe Gib

When seeking out applehead Chihuahua puppies for sale, it is best to go through a breed club or licensed breeder. There are reputable dog-lovers who will have Chihuahuas for sale in California. Genuine breeders of these intriguing dogs will ensure their breeding stock have good temperaments and are free of genetic problems and diseases.

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog in the world. It has a number of interesting features. It is the only animal other than humans to have a prostate organ. They only sweat between their toes and the prints on their noses are unique just as a human's fingerprints are unique.

Chihuahuas may have 'appleheads' or 'deer heads'. The former have rounded heads like apples and short noses. Those with deer heads have longer, more elongated heads and longer snouts. Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot on the skull just like human babies are. In some dogs this doesn't close completely and extra care will be needed.

Two varieties are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). By the standards set by the AKC Chihuahuas are either long- or smooth-coated. However the long coat is often smoother to touch than the smooth-coated. The downy undercoat of the long coat type gives the dog a fluffy look. The outer guard hairs are also soft and fine.

Neither type requires much grooming and the long-coat actually sheds less. Both have ruffs. There is feathering on the legs and feet of the long-coat and they have fringed ears. The breed comes in all colors and markings including merle. Dogs of this coloring however are denied registration because of the health risks which accompany the merle gene.

The breed easily becomes obese although it is often a very fussy feeder. Obesity leads to joint problems, diabetes and other conditions. They need regular meals if they are not to suffer from hypoglycemia. An upper weight limit of six pounds is recommended. Chronic bronchitis affects some dogs as does tracheal collapse. These conditions, obesity in particular, can shorten the life of an otherwise healthy dog.

The breed is suitable for small apartments and does not need a lot of exercise. They feel the cold and may need a coat in winter. Most have problems with their teeth and should not be given high sugar or high fat treats. Provided children are gentle and patient, a well-socialized Chihuahua will make a lovely pet. They are alert and dainty with a lively expression. They prefer mixing with others of their breed. If looking for Chihuahuas for sale in California, you should contact a local breeder who will have the best interests of the breed at heart.

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