Monday, August 20, 2012

The Eagles

Eagles are birds of prey that have large wing
spans and strong muscular legs. They also have
very good eyesight. There are several species of
this bird and most of them are distributed in
Africa and Eurasia. With their relatively large
wing spans they are able to fly very fast on
straight paths. Therefore, they are able to hunt
their prey very effectively. They also have heavy
beaks that will help them attack their prey. A
large bird of this species could easily weigh 6
to 7 Kg.

When it comes to interesting facts about
eagles, one of the most interesting facts about
them is their keen eyesight. Eagles have much
better vision than humans do. Their pupils are
what assist them to be able to view their prey
from a long distance away. They need to have
keen eyesight because these birds choose to live
in nests that are high off of the ground.
However, the prey that they choose to eat is
ground dwellers such as mice. Female eagles are
larger than their male counterparts are, and
they will typically lay two eggs at a time. Only
the stronger of the two birds will survive. The
first of the birds that hatches from the eggs
will kill the other bird as soon as it hatches.
There is nothing that the mother eagle can do to
prevent this.

Eagles are one of the biggest birds out of the
ones that are considered to be birds of prey.
The heaviest eagle is the Steller's sea eagle,
but this bird does not have the largest
wingspan, as that title belongs to the
Philippine eagle. The wingspan of the Philippine
eagle can reach up to 100 feet, which is much
larger than even the tallest human is.

You can find the smallest eagle in the South
Nicobar Islands. The Great Nicobar Serpent eagle
weighs just one pound, so they have to live
differently than most of the other eagles. These
birds of prey inhabit forests, so they must have
a smaller wingspan. These birds are considered
to be a threatened species because they are
losing their habitat.

When it comes to birds of prey, there are very
few species that either have a larger wingspan
or weigh more than the eagle. A couple of the
species of birds of prey that are typically
larger than eagles are condors and vultures.
Watching large birds such as eagles when they
are in flight is an amazing sight because of
their size.

Know more about the eagles! Visit here to get the
most beautiful wallpapers, pictures and images of
flying golden eagles:

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