Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dry Skin Symptoms in Dogs or Cats - Getting the Right Help!

Though there can be numerous, nearly impossible
to define causes, Dry Skin problems in pets will
most often be early signs of a much more complex
and difficult to resolve health issue - Candida
Albicans takeover (a Yeast disorder of the
intestinal tract). You don't want to let this
get out of control. Dealing properly with these
issues - early on - will save you a lot of
heartache and money, and your pet a lot of
suffering. With such 'dry skin' issues, deciding
upon the right approach can be very challenging.
It is highly advisable to either research the
symptoms, or carefully review all the
information presented here - to be sure you make
a correct choice. How nutritional support can be
so effective - see **bottom of page.

Typical symptoms related to this discussion are:

Dry, flaky skin or Dandruff - flakes of skin
apparent in fur
Itching and scratching - apparently tied to
dry skin
Pets rolling or twisting on their backs
(scratching techniques)
Diagnosis or apparent Eczema of skin - back,
underbelly, or elsewhere
Dull or lifeless appearance of coat

IF the only issues you see are in the list
above, there is a 50-50 CHANCE your pet's
condition can improve solely by the use of
either the Antioxidant Treats or the Antioxidant
Granules. HOWEVER, IF you see other symptoms,
from the list below, that are chronic or
intermittent in your pet, you should certainly
review the information found here..

Further Symptoms of Yeast Candida takeover:

Out of control, almost ceaseless itching and
Relentless licking or chewing at feet/paws,
and lower legs
Skin rash areas, or - hives, bumps,
pustules, or pimples
Ear infections, chronic or re-occurring; Or
- shaking head or rubbing ears
Odor problems from the pet - pungent or
Licking at genitals or anal glands; or,
infections of those areas
The FULL LIST of possible symptoms is found
on a Tab of the Yeast Video

So, with these DRY, ITCHY SKIN issues, we offer
two choices; with only the minor symptoms - from
the first list - you can try your luck with all
natural pet supplements like Antioxidnat Treats
or Sprouted GRANULES. If, after 2 months, things
are worse instead of better, this means the pet's
body needs much more assistance to help get the
problem under control, and an entire Yeast Kit
and Program may be needed; OTHERWISE, your pet
could wind up looking worse.

Let us CLARIFY that last statement! Many dogs
and cats have very strong and well performing
immune systems - which is not only a critical
element for the pet to recover from this
condition, but it is believed it is the reason
many animals are able to maintain only minor
symptoms, OR never end up with a Yeast condition
AT ALL. All pets are susceptible to these issues;
it is the easiest illness to cause in a pet. And,
we believe the #1 and 2 causes are Antibiotics
use, and Vaccination reactions. After that, poor
quality pet foods, which are readily available at
larger chain stores, are a big factor as well.

*We spoke above of "permanent wellness"; this
requires some further explanation. There are 3
basic phases to achieving and maintaining
wellness where Candida Albicans has had control
of a gut. First, is to achieve initial
cleansing; this is the point at which most of
those nasty symptoms that bothered the pet are
mostly out of the picture. After this, it can
take 5-6 months or more to finish the remaining
cleansing of the Gut, and erradicate most of the
yeast takeover. However, since there is medical
evidence that it may be impossible to completely
clear all of the Candida, WE ALWAYS recommend a
maintenance program to help insure your pet
stays healthy and well, and can constantly fight
yeast growth in the future.

**Don't buy into the popular "Allergies" claim.
It's simply a 'default' diagnosis. Since most
skin and itching issues actually have their
foundation in either nutritional deficiency,
nutritional disorder, or digestive system
disorder, the nutritional forms of support that
all natural pet supplements/products deliver are
highly successful at helping the body's of pets
reverse the disorders and thereby recover from
such illness. It's not easy, and always
time-consuming, but it IS possible.

article submitted by Tim Delaney, a multiple dog
owner and natural pet product advocate.
References include Nzymes at, and Nzymes EU at

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