Saturday, November 10, 2012

Women Chemistry With Horses

By Heather Toms

I have seen lots of ladies that are so madly in love with their horses they really seem to like these animals over their men and youngsters. I get the idea that horses are stable islands for these women. They don't talk back, disagree, get drunk, flirt with other ladies and cause misery in a dozen alternative ways. These women seem to find it no difficulty to administer to their horses every single day, just like they do with their kids.

Clearly, these women consider their horse very much a part of their family. There is no other reason for their faithfulness in rising up at 5 in the morning each day, if it is summer, winter or monsoon, and going out to feed their horses and tidy up their stalls. It is clear that love for the animals is the driving force. For lots of ladies, horses aren't just family, they're best friends too.

I know many of these women find it relaxing to waste hours at the barn, filling their horses in on the latest family issues and the most recent gossip. Again, I suspect this is down to the fact that horses listen without watching the Television, reading the newspapers, getting up and walking away or pleading headaches.

Genetically, men are poor listeners, at least where wives are concerned. Most blokes find it a trial to have to listen to their ladies yakking on and on, even though they seem to have no problem listing to a sports commentator for ages. Even those men that make an effort of at least appearing to be listening to their other halves are later unable to repeat just 2 minutes of the 2 hours of dialogue that flowed into their ears.

I'm sure this is what drives ladies to their horses. Horses can suffer through any quantity of speechs without demanding a beer, a coffee or some food. If they are provided with a tidbit or 2, they show silent appreciation, Most women that speak with their horses are convinced the animals understand. They're certain that when they were particularly depressed or feeling the blues, their horses gave them a close nudge, as if to tell them, "I know, I know, and my heart is with you".

Men actually join women in asserting that horses are great therapy that costs little or nothing. If you have ever taken time out to observe, you will have seen ladies crawling off to the barn for a session of soul baring with their horses. Almost invariably, they emerge later with a spring in their steps and the grin back on their faces. Based on my own observations, I don't think human therapists have the success rates horses have.

I have no doubt that is the reason why guys who love ladies love the horses their women love. They know the horses are great cures for wifely blues, and they're well appreciative of the undeniable fact that a visit to the stable is most of the time a spirit booster. Smart husbands would not dream of stopping their better halves from hanging out with the horses. It gives them time to spend on their favourite games on the television. Or for a beer or two at the local pub with the gang.

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