Thursday, January 31, 2013

Basic Dumbo Rat Information

By Tom Parker

Dumbo rats, with their name alluding to the cartoon elephant with the overgrown ears, is a normal domesticated rat that possesses very similar physical characteristics. Dumbo rats are bred to attain genetic mutations that are responsible for them having certain characteristics, such as colors or markings.

Larger and more even-tempered than most other rats, dumbo rats make great family pets. They are easy to hold onto and there are a lot less occasions of accidental finger nibbles that you may experience with some of the other breeds of rats.

When breeding dumbo rats, breeders must breed for the specific genes that cause the mutation of larger ears, flatter heads, etc. Over the years, this has caused some controversy, however time and time again it has been shown to be perfectly safe for the rats, resulting in the same quality of life as any other rat breed that you might find in your local pet store, family's home, or anywhere else for that matter.

Dumbo rat breeding has become somewhat of a specialized business. These rats are quite popular, which is largely due to their unique looks. In addition to the dumbo rat mutation, there are many many other types of rats that are increasingly requested of breeders, such as hairless rats, blue rats, etc.

Dumbo rat food is no different than regular pet rat food. They have all of the same basic nutritional requirements as any other fancy rat and so you don't need to worry about any special dumbo rat specific food. Just make sure they are getting an ample supply of fresh vegetables, highly nutritious lab blocks, and a variety of dry pet rat food options.

Like normal rats, they also live for an average of 2-3 years. Dumbo rats can also be trained just like average rats. Dumbo rats make great pets for children because of their interesting appearance as well as their large size, which makes for easier handling. As you can see, dumbo rats make great pets. I wish you the best of luck in caring for yours!

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