Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tips And Advice On How To Train Your Dog

By Lance Brodsky

As a dog owner you have a responsibility to teach your dog to behave properly. A dog does not instinctively know right from wrong. You can use the tips that have been provided in this article to learn how to properly train your dog so that they are well behaved.

Housebreaking a dog takes time. The key is to be consistent when teaching him where it's not acceptable for him to relieve himself and consistent in the message that you send as to where you expect him to go. This may be on a pad inside the house, on a lead when you take him outside or running free in a fenced yard.

When you are training your dog, focus on what your dog does right during the training sessions, not what they do wrong. This will make training more enjoyable for both you and your dog. Enjoyable training sessions will ensure that your dog remembers what you taught and is ready to come back for more at the next session.

If your dog has a problem with play biting or excitement nipping, try giving him the cold shoulder. Mouthing dogs are only reacting to their excitement, so cutting off attention will give him the signal that this is an inappropriate way to show that he is happy. With consistency across members of the household, excitement mouthing can be a thing of the past.

When you are wanting to work on training you dog you should start of by making sure that he knows his name. At least 10 times a day use their name for things like playing, feeding and treats. Try not to use their name in a punishment so that way when something good happens they think of their name as a good thing, not bad.

Spaying or neutering your dog can stop a lot of behavioral problems before they even start. Territorial marking, inappropriate soiling and even aggression can be a result of sexual maturation. By neutering or spaying your animals, you can stop your animal from roaming if they ever get out of your house by accident. Spaying and neutering is relatively painless with modern veterinary technology, and your dog will benefit from it for life.

Next time your dog jumps up on you in excitement, tell them "Off" in a firm (but not angry) voice, gently push them off, and turn your back. The verbal command and action of moving them reinforces what the command means, and turning restricts their access to you. This accomplishes two things: a) your dog can't jump on you anymore, b) your dog feels he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what he wants. This teaches him quickly not to jump on you.

The Alpha in the pack always eats first which means you eat before your dog. This allows you to establish your leadership with your animal and by feeding your dog after yourself, you can monitor the time that food is available and control his feeding habits. This behavior is normal for your dog and expected from the leader.

If you want to house train your dog and teach it to ask to go outside, you should associate a command with going outside. Stand with your dog close to the door, say the command and take it outside. As you repeat this, your dog will go to the door when you say the command if it needs to go.

Be consistent. It is going to take a lot of work to train your dog. And if you aren't consistent, you can undo all the work that you did in the first place. You have to teach your dog the way to behave, and that is true whether you feel great or whether you're busy, stressed or sick. Consistent behavior from you leads to consistent behavior from your dog.

Having read this article, you should apply some of the advice to your dog training methods. Meanwhile, you don't have to use every tip you read, you can still come up with your own inspirations and ideas using other people's tips. Your education on dog training shouldn't stop here, reading this article should only be a milestone in your success.

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