Sunday, January 20, 2013

Excellent Dog Treats Recipes You Should Know About

By Geraldine Dimarco

Every loving pet owner's priority is to have their canines at their best health. This is generally done through exercise, regular visits to the veterinarian and maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet. These factors ensure that he will be the strong and happy fellow you've always wanted him to be. This article will help you obtain the last objective quickly and easily with valuable information on dog treats recipes you need to know about.

So what do you know about dog recipes? It is, after all, our responsibility to find out the things that enter our pet's systems. Remember, homemade dog treats doesn't mean that you go get whatever it is you find in your home. Not at all. Did you know that certain ingredients we humans take are dangerous for dogs to ingest? These should be avoided at all costs.

Are you on the lookout for dessert treats for Fido? If you are, you will do well to stay away from the seeds of fruits, macadamia nuts, caffeine, baby food, grapes and raisins. Chocolates also trigger heart irregularities that is potentially fatal when coupled with strenuous exercise. Do not give the dog sugar-free candies as well. Most of them have xylitol which has been said to damage dog livers.

How about treats of the more savory kind? It will be beneficial if you download the list of ingredients that have been tested to be destructive to dogs. Anything alcohol based, onions and parts of the tomato plant are bad for them. Liver, while an excellent source of vitamin A, should only be given in smaller amounts. Too much of it will lead to bone problems.

There are some websites that may be sincere but are sincerely wrong when recommending canine recipes for the unsuspecting pet owner. It is wise to double check which ones of these are good by consulting with your vet or other dependable canine sites. Also, you need to know if your pet has pre-existing health issues that need a special provision in his diet.

Now, don't get discouraged-there are more food available that you can give your pet. In fact, when you get the list of the harmful ingredients, it's a lot easier to plan fantastic dog treats recipes. Don't limit yourself to the typical canine fare you think you need to give the animal-be as creative as you can be! It's a fun process that you should enjoy and bring you closer to your dog.

Naturally, there is always a temptation to indulge a sweet and lovable pet with these yummy creations. After all, you made it specifically for them anyway right? However, it is very important that you refrain from doing so. Many health issues arise due to obesity and lack of discipline in the animal's diet. Consult with the vet as to the weight you need to get your dog in and make sure he stays well within it for his own good.

Homemade dog treats are a great way to communicate to your pet how much they are loved and appreciated. These excellent canine creations are sure to build your relationship with them-your time and effort will surely be worth it.

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