Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Lowdown on Canine Hip Dysplasia

By Geraldine Dimarco

Do you know what canine hip dysplasia is? Dog hip dysplasia is a condition wherein the canine thigh ball socket is not fitted right with the hip bone. It may be an inherent skeletal deformity, or it may be that the tissue connecting the ball and socket is not cohesive enough to keep it perfectly fitted together. This significantly decreases the dog's mobility as it causes extreme pain even in the simplest movements.

Hip dysplasia is, more often than not, a genetic abnormality that will develop as the dog grows older. Sometimes though, it can be caused by an injury sustained in the puppy's legs and have not been treated properly. Symptoms do not usually manifest until much later on and the harm in this is that when it is not addressed medically, may result in the dog not being able to walk at all.

Does this seem scary? It's a sad fact for some dogs but there are options to help you deal with it. Surgery is used to correct physical deformities of your pet's skeletal structure. The thing is, surgery itself might be a bit too costly; not to mention the hospital visits and maintenance. Now, don't feel bad if this is you. You can use a natural treatment for hip dysplasia that many pet owners have availed of successfully.

Chondroitin and Glucosamine are two supplements that aid in the restoration of the joint and cartilage tissues of dogs. While these natural elements are not pain killers, you will be happy to know that consistently using it will show a marked improvement in your dog after about 6 weeks. There are only a few known side effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin; but your dog will have to be on these for the rest of his life.

MSM or Methyl-sulfonyl-methane lowers joint inflammation and improves the condition of the connective tissues. This will lessen the pain that your dog will feel. Herbs like dandelion, alfalfa, yucca, licorice and rosemary will also help in alleviating arthritis painful effects.

Along with the natural treatment for hip dysplasia as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, create a healthy diet chock-full of vitamins C and E, and omega 3 fatty acids. It is essential that you control his weight as obesity will aggravate your pets condition. Integrate their healthy food plan with light exercise that is approved and recommended by the veterinarian.

The exercises that you can put your dog through should be very easy on the ligaments and joints. Frisbee, for example, places too much undue stress on the joints, harming his lifestyle later on in his senior years. Try swimming, walking and slow stair walking. Remember that the objective in engaging him in physical activity is not just to develop muscle but to build a wider range of movements. The best thing you can do for your pet is to keep his ideal weight and enhance his immune system.

I hope you gleaned a lot of helpful information about canine hip dysplasia for you to be able to help your dog effectively. Do what you can to keep your pet as healthy as possible and enjoy the best years of his life when you do.

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