Monday, January 21, 2013

Understanding How to Train a Blue Nose Pitbull

By Geraldine Dimarco

I can tell you from experience that blue nose pitbulls are among some of the best pets you can ever have. They are fun and very affectionate to their masters. The common misconception is that pitbulls cannot be trained because they are aggressive and confrontational with other canines. This doesn't mean that they can't be trained though. Learn the effective ways on how to train a blue nose pitbull when you read this short and helpful article today.

The essential technique in training dogs is to understand the basic mentality of dogs. Let me tell you a secret: dogs are-animals. Yes, they are not humans and they will not work well with tactics many misinformed people use. They have ingrained instincts that they follow and we need to work this to our advantage if we want to train our dogs effectively and in a shorter amount of time.

Blue pitbulls as you know are high-energy dogs. They like vigorous activity and are genetically ingrained to want to please people and like challenges presented to them. They want challenges that will mentally and physically stimulate them. So if you want training to be a breeze, you need to zero in on these needs and use them to your best advantage. Train pitbulls through exercise, attention and mental stimulation.

OK, you're ready for some obedience training. It is important that you remember to keep your training sessions short and simple. Remember dogs, especially puppies have very short attention spans. If you give them complicated tasks that take too long, they will be distracted and not focus on you anymore. Make each session as fun as interesting as possible. End the training session on a positive note so your pet will look forward to more "school" with you.

You have to be consistent when you teach your dog the basic commands. Don't use different words, no matter how logical they seem to us, when giving them tasks to do. For example, "Sit!" is vastly different from "Down, boy!" in canine linguistics. You need to repeat the things you want them to learn several times over a period of days and even weeks before they start "getting it" so be patient.

You need to use the same words and phrases for the commands you use every, single time. "Sit!" and "Down!" are two completely different commands as far as the dog is concerned. Repetition and consistency will ensure your training is a success.

Now, the extreme energy of blue pitbulls sometimes get too much and they become too aggressive than you'd want them to be. Be kind but exercise firmness and strength when

The best way on how to train a blue nose pitbull is to use positive reinforcement. Reward good behavior and successfully completed commands with a treat or affectionate praise.

You cannot go wrong with this. Negative reinforcement will make your pet withdraw from you and be afraid, making it difficult for you to train him. Create a happy and positive atmosphere in training and it won't be long before you have a happy and obedient pitbull you can be proud to call your own.

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