Sunday, March 31, 2013

10 Of The Top Facts To Know About Parvovirus In Dogs

Parvo in dogs is a sort of virus that mainly
effects a dog's immune system. It is extremely
dangerous and can lead to death in many severe
casesIn severe cases it can cause death and it
is extremely dangerous. Knowing how to prevent
your dog getting parvo will aid you in that it
is the only real way to protect them from the
disease. The key thing that you should keep in
mind is you need to act immediately if your dog
does catch parvo as it is extremly fast acting.
This article looks at the top 10 facts you
should know about parvo in dogs to keep your
puppy safe.

1. Parvovirus was first discovered in the 1970s
when it caused major problems for the dog
population. A vaccine to counter the disease was
developed by vets who worked together to find a

2. The ones most vulnerable to parvovirus are
puppies under six months of age. To resist the
virus, they need to be given three separate
vaccinations. Most vets will make you aware of
this, and it is perhaps the most important thing
you can do in the early stages of owning them.

3. Parvo is very contagious and deadly. The
virus can survive for more than a year outside
of the body on everyday household items.
Clothing, dog bowls, toys or even the floor are
some such places it can be found. It isn't
stopped by high temperatures and most
disinfectants will not remove it either.

4. Parvo prevents a dog from absorbing fluids
once it invades their body. A mild infection can
actually pass within a few days without incident
but with a serious infection a dog can become
seriously dehydrated and die.

5. How serious the infection is depends on a
puppy's immunityThe puppy's immunity to the
virus decides how serious it becomes. They need
to develop their own antibodies to the virus
despite some immunity being passed down from
their mother. This is why vaccinations are given
to them in three sets.

6. It's generally too late to do anything about
parvo once you notice something's wrong and
that's why it's so scary. When symptoms show up,
it means that the virus has infected all their
vital organs. Fever, dehydration and depression
are among the most common signs.

7. Usually the biggest giveaway is a foul smell
to a dog's feces, and this is how many vets will
instantly recognize it. You should see a vet
immediately to test them if you notice any of
these signs. It's important to act fast, as this
gives your dog the best chance of survival.

8. If you do act fast, they have around a 70%
chance of survival. They can make a recovery in
2 or 3 days after being treated with an IV to
prevent further dehydration.

9. The only true way to prevent parvo is to get
your puppy vaccinated with their three shots as
a puppy, plus booster shots every year to give
you extra peace of mind.

10. Not taking your puppy out within the first
six months of their life is also a good idea.
This helps ensure they don't encounter other
dogs or surfaces that they might catch the
disease from while they're vulnerable.

If you're keen on learning more look at this

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