Monday, April 1, 2013

Dog Health Symptoms You Should Know About

By Jennefer Poultson

If you are a loving pet owner, your dog's health is extremely important to you. You will notice things in their behavior before anyone else, almost like one of your children. Keeping a close eye on changes and determining if they are acting abnormal can quickly pinpoint key health symptoms. Having some, basic knowledge of common illnesses will let you know more quickly if a trip to the veterinarian is in order.

Always remember that early detection of health problems is a key in successful treatment. To detect things early pay attention to even small changes in personality or behavior. For instance if your pet is normally outgoing and friendly and all the sudden is hiding beneath the furniture or whining when you pet him that is a good indication he may be sick. The better in tune with your pet you are the better health detective you will be. You will also be prepared with times and dates should your veterinarian need them.

Blood in your pets urine or feces is always a serious problem so even though it may seem somewhat gross to inspect it is a good idea to check it every once in awhile. Viruses such as parvo present in bloody stool and bloody urine can indicate kidney disease or failure. When you are talking about these types of illness time is of the essence so do not delay. Your attentiveness and quick action could very well save your pet's life, get her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Nausea and vomiting is common in all pets and usually means they have eaten something that does not agree with them. However if the nausea is coupled with fever, lethargy or pain this could be a sign that veterinary attention is required. Repeated vomiting can lead to dehydration and allow secondary infections, which may be fatal. Again, this is where paying close attention to their health and symptoms of common illnesses is vital. Remember too that many times your pet will look fine but be gravely ill they have evolved to be that way.

When looking for symptoms of poor health in your dog do not overlook their coat. A dogs coat should feel thick and look relatively glossy. If you reach down to pet your dog and find that the coat is oddly dry and brittle or there are bald patches you should check into the cause. One common cause of a bad coat is worms; this parasite robs the dog of nutrition and therefore leaves the coat unhealthy. Of course, if you have a dog whose hair is naturally coarse, like a wirehaired terrier then this rule does not apply.

This is not an exhaustive list of possible health problems your dog may face. So always, take the time to examine what is normal for your pet and what is not. This will keep you leaps ahead of the game and could possibly head off serious issues.

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