Saturday, April 6, 2013

Puppy Potty Training Like A Pro

By Geraldine Dimarco

Topping many people?s favorite things list are puppies. They are adorable and easy to love. When the first blush of this honeymoon stage mellows, you will need to gird yourself up for battle. It?s time for the very essential task of puppy potty training.

This special time will also be the beginning of many unique bonding moments you will share with your furry friend. Sure, potty training can sometimes be inconvenient, but it will be small change compared to years of cleaning up the surprises your dog will leave in the future. Here are some puppy training tips to help you and your home stay poop free.

Understand that puppies have yet to fully develop their bodies. This means that you need to closely watch when you feed and water them. Meals should not come right before bedtime or expect to rise up every so often to take your dog out to eliminate. In the beginning, you will have to wake up a couple of times at night to cater to his toilet needs. As he matures and you train him successfully, he will not need to go late at night anymore. For now though, setting good habits early is the most important thing.

Have a schedule for their meal times daily and do not vary from it as much as possible. His body needs to be accustomed to a certain pattern of eating and eliminating. Take him outdoors to discharge early in the morning and late at night. After meals, bring him to his designated potty place to do his business. Keep repeating a phrase the puppy will associate with toilet activities like 'go potty' until he does.

When he finishes discharging, praise him profusely. The puppy should realize that going to the right spot for toilet duties was a good thing. Give him a treat and play with him for a few minutes before leading him back inside. Go out again after an hour just in case the dog feels like going potty again. Remember, good habits are the foundation of successful puppy potty training.

Good. Now the puppy knows that going outside is what he needs to do when he wants to discharge. Now it is time to teach him how to ?ask permission? to go out. You will need a rope, a bell and a bag of patience for this. Attach the bell at the end of the rope and hang it by the door. When you take him out for toilet activities, nudge the bell and say ?go potty? out loud. Do this for around two weeks; at the end of this time, go to the door with him after meal times and say ?go potty? and refrain from jingling the bell. If the puppy touches the bell praise him enthusiastically. If not, guide him to push the bell as you say ?go potty?.

Repeat this process every single time the puppy uses his toilet privileges. Your dog will catch on and understand this as his signal to want to go out. Before long, he will know enough to tap the bell or door by himself whenever he needs to unload.

That wasn't too hard was it? When done correctly and consistently, these puppy training tips should have a well-mannered dog to show for itself. Now on to the next puppy adventure!

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