Sunday, May 17, 2015

What You Should Know About Products For Blind Dogs And Caring For Them

By Tammie Caldwell

A blind dog can still lead a happy life. There are many products for blind dogs that help them to do just that. It is important that you treat your pet just as you always did. If you treat your canine like he or she is fine, they will adjust. If you treat your canine differently, and feel sorry for the dog, the dog will pick up on your sadness and it will be bad for the canine.

In order for your dog to have a content life, it must feel like every other dog. Do not treat it any differently. Dogs are adaptable, they also have an amazing memory. Your pooch will likely get around your home with little or no problem, just from memory.

A medical alert tag is one product that you should get for your pooch. Place it on his or her collar. This is in case your pet ever gets away and gets lost. Anyone who finds your animal will instantly know that the dog is blind when they read the tag. They will then be better able to help it and hopefully get it back to you quickly.

Walking into walls, or furniture can cause injury, it can also be quite scary and sad for everyone around to see. A special harness with a hoop attached is one way to prevent this. The hoop is kept out in front of the animal so that it hits any objects in the way before the dog's head does. As the hoop comes in contact with something, the animal knows to stop heading in that direction.

Scent markers are placed near items that your pup must be able to get to. For example the food or water dish. The dog can smell the scent and knows to go towards the scent. The markers can be refreshed monthly and they will last indefinitely. Place them indoors and outdoors. You will not smell them, but your dog will.

Short leashes are sold to help owners guide their blind canines. You can kind of steer your furry friend with this leash. These leashes are not designed for walking, only for guiding. When necessary put this on her to give her a bit of extra guidance. These are perfect for when you are away from home.

As mentioned, your dog will not likely need help navigating through their own home. That is, unless you rearrange the furnishings. This can be very difficult for a blind dog. It is best to avoid moving your furniture, or the dogs bed and other items.

Relax and make it a point to keep your pet happy and loved. Do the same things that you used to. Only adjust for her limitations. You can still have fun, and still enjoy your time together just like you always did. She is the same dog, and she still loves you, just as you still love her. There is no reason to coddle. Let her enjoy her life as much as possible. In other words, let her be a dog.

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