Saturday, April 9, 2016

Leash Training Your Puppy, With Assisi

By Robin Setser

In order for your puppy to grow strong and healthy, exercise will be required on a regular basis. Walking is one of the most common, not only due to the physical attributes it develops but the growth of the personal bond between pets and their owners as well. For this reason - and the likes of Assisi can agree - leash training should be learned about. By keeping these tips in mind, this level of training should prove to be a less taxing endeavor.

Leash training entails a number of rules, one of the most important being the act of pulling. As a pet owner, you have to be able to control each walk, without ever being aggressive with your puppy. What this means is that you should allow your leash enough slack, so that you never feel as though you're involuntarily pulling your pet in a certain direction. This level of freedom matters, which authorities such as Assisi Animal Health can agree with.

You should also let your puppy have sufficient time to become used to their new leash. Every environmental change will be an adjust for your young pet, meaning that he or she should know what the situation entails. This is where patience, as a pet owner, will most likely benefit you in the long run. By sticking with this process, allowing your pet to see that every situation is safe, leash training will not be nearly as daunting as you might think.

Lastly, when walking, make sure that your puppy stays to one side of you. The reason for this is that it allows you to maintain more control of the situation, as opposed to letting your pet move about freely from side to side. When this happens, the chance of an injury occurring becomes greater, regardless of how busy the road you're walking along is. Make sure that your leash still has enough slack, but not too much to the point where controlling your pet becomes difficult.

By following these tips, leash training can come about easier than you might have ever believed. There's no denying the act that this level of training matters, regardless of the breed that a puppy is classified under. By learning how to walk your dog on a leash, you'll have more control over the situation. It also doesn't hurt that you'll ensure your pet's comfort, which will allow him or her to become more welcome to the idea of regular walks.

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