Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pets That Assist Addicts In Recovery

By Ju Chang

Many drug rehabs are using pets as a source of therapy for their patients. It is necessary to have pets because they bring out tenderness inside someone that doesn't trust humanity much. Many addicts feel a sense of anger towards abusers that hurt them. They often feel angry at people that made them feel less then. Many rehab patients say that it is helpful to feel love from an animal every time that it sees you. Dogs often wag their tail and lick you. Cats often want to hop in your lap and spend time with you. It is important to treat and animal with love and respect.

It is important to have animal therapy in a rehab program because it teaches addicts that you must learn to care for something other than yourself. When someone has a pet, they realize that there is love surrounding them. Most pets today are looking for attention and care. Most pets want someone to pet them and spend time with them. Addicts find that it is useful for them to spend time with an animal that wants to be with them as well. Over time, animals learn that there is always something to do. Animals are often there for people that need love and care. They are often the first ones to sense our sadness.

If you have a family member that struggles with addiction, it is important to find a rehab that offers animal therapy. These rehabs are often hard to find because the concept is relatively new. However, you will feel good when your loved one calls you and says, "I just got finished feeding my do and he was happy to see me." Those words alone help you to see that the once addicted person is now tasting a sense of sobriety. Sobriety often comes with families that try to help addicts to get sober.

Addicts find that it is easier to get along with animals than with people. Many addicts say that they don't want to hurt the animals because they give them unconditional love. Many addicts find that a wagging tail is something to look forward to every morning. The person in recovery often plays with the pet and it takes their mind off of their addiction. Animals are making their way into rehab centers that can house addicts that are in recovery.

It is important to understand that pets are a form of therapy. When an addict is feeding an animal, they feel like they are contributing something to society. Many addicts feel a sense of sadness because they often left society when they were high. They often stole from people that they loved. Animals often give someone the knowledge that they are now forgiven and can move on with their everyday life.

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