Monday, July 18, 2016

Assisi & The Human Foods That Canines Can Eat

By Robin Setser

There are many human foods that dogs can't eat - chocolate immediately comes to mind - but what about the foods that said animals can safely consume? While you may not think that there are many, this particular list goes quite deep. For this reason, you should be mindful of the specific products that the likes of Assisi will be able to draw your attention to. Here are just a few of the best examples that you should feel comfortable adding to your pet's diet.

If you want to talk about the best human foods for dogs, companies like Assisi Animal Health might attest to the benefits of berries. From strawberries to blackberries, these types of fruit come packed with antioxidants. Not only can these benefit the human body, but your canine pet can use them in the same fashion. While your dog does not necessarily require fruit in order to live a good life, you can see that it doesn't hurt.

Seen as one of the healthiest food groups, vegetables can also be given to your dog with confidence. One of the reasons why veggies are beneficial has to do with how quickly they fill up the body. For pet owners who are mindful of their dogs' weight, this is an especially important benefit to make note of. By keeping different vegetables in mind - carrots and green beans are some of the best choices - your pet's health will be better off.

Even though it's easy to get a laugh out of your dog eating peanut butter, such a food can be quite good for them as well. Like it does for humans, peanut butter can provide dogs with protein and energy alike. Considering how vital both of these elements are to a canine pet's health are, it's easy to see why such a food is recommended. Provided it's unsalted, due to how unhealthy the presence of salt can be, feel free to add said food from time to time.

As you can see, human foods that are safe for dogs come in a variety of forms. While it's entirely fine to give your canine pet these, understand that standard dog food cannot be replaced. For this reason, you want to make sure that small touches are made to regimen, as opposed to completely overhauling it to the point where minimal nutrition is seen. By keeping this in mind, your pet's sense of wellness will be nothing short of positive.

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