Monday, July 18, 2016

The Benefits Of Using A Dog Cone Collar

By Maria Young

Dogs that are affected by an injury or have undergone surgery must be provided supportive devices to minimize irritation of the site. The dog cone collar is also referred to as an Elizabethan collar and possesses a cylindrical shape placed around the neck of your pet to restrict the ability to reach target regions. The inclusion of plastic cones can improve recovery and the well-being of dogs.

Many dogs will sustain minor to severe injuries affecting the legs, stomach or ears requiring surgical correction, cleaning and protection to prevent the wounds from becoming infected. All canines will naturally lick at the wound, pull at the stitches or scratch the area during different stages of the healing process. Affected areas including skin conditions and hot spots can be better managed by preventing animals from reaching the area.

Provided the opportunity, canines can bite and lick at affected sites with risk of bleeding, undoing the stitches and causing severe irritation. There is greater risk of an infection that will cause inflammation, swelling and severe discomfort with the worse case scenario requiring additional attention and surgery. The assistance provided with the use of Elizabethan collars aims to prevent complications by limiting the dog from reaching the affected regions.

Cones possess a unique shape and are designed to fit around the neck of the canine making it hard to reach specific bodily regions. Elizabethan collars include a hard plastic consistency including durable design to prevent breakage while rolling, playing or moving. These items are developed according to specific pet needs to minimize infections and the complications of additional care.

The selection of specific plastic collars must be determined according to the proper size of pets to ensure that comfort is maintained. Pets that are impacted by severe anxiety and distress will not respond favorably to the particular cone shape and requires the correct means of support for pets. It is important that the proper levels of care are provided to reinforce wearing the collar during recovery.

The E collar is suitable when dogs cannot be monitored on a regular basis after surgery or wound recovery. Keeping the item secure around the neck will prevent the dog from reaching the affected areas causing more complications and difficulties. The expense of having to address such problems can become exorbitant where additional surgery and cleaning of the site are required.

To protect pets from causing further irritation, the use of cone collars can minimize pets from reaching the site and causing additional problems. A licensed veterinarian can determine collars that will best fit the pet and will protect from further damages. Implementing the necessary measures can ensure that pets remain relaxed while the collars are introduced.

For pets that have suffered some degree of damage or undergone surgery, it is important to prevent irritation of the wound site. This includes steps to manage the healthcare needs of pets and minimize the complications that can occur when scratching, biting or licking the area. Consulting with a qualified veterinarian can assist in determining effective management solutions.

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