Sunday, December 10, 2017

Extraordinary Hypoallergenic Cats For Sale

By Margaret Hayes

There is a thing called Fel d 1 glycoprotein. All cats secrete a small amount of this glycoprotein through their skin and saliva, and this is really an allergen you react on. Some breeds secrete significantly lower amounts of this glycoprotein, and this makes these breeds great pets for people who suffer from allergies, and love these beautiful animals. When you want to find beautiful hypoallergenic cats for sale, choose one of these pretty breeds.

Siamese is probably the most famous cat of all. With this characteristic looks and elegant behavior, beautiful eyes and high intelligence, Siamese is certainly a very good choice for any cat lover. In fact most similar cats mentioned later have this lovely breed in the bloodline. For example, Balinese, with similar looks and a little bit shorter hair.

Burmese has exceptionally beautiful color, in warm and soft shades of brown, combined with darker areas. The hair is especially soft, and these lovely animals also have very nice nature, they are tolerant, friendly and really sweet creatures. Just as previously mentioned cats, they are suited for people suffering from allergies, and make really nice pets.

Another cousin of Siamese is the one called Color point Shorthair. This lovely, elegant animal makes a really great pet, clever and well-behaved. Javanese is really a long-haired version of Color point Shorthair. This great animal is exceptionally intelligent, and people who own this cat believe that she can actually understand whatever they say to her.

Most people aren't aware of the fact there are also some cats with curly coats. These lovely looking curly animals will certainly interest you. Cornish Rex and Devon Rex have curly coats and they are simply adorable. The only problem is to choose between these two breeds. Both are nice, friendly and with interesting personalities, and quite rare. Just pick one of them, you just cannot go wrong.

There are also breeds that will force you to spend a little more money, but you certainly won't be sorry for that. Start with Siberians. These amazing, large cats, with their impressive purr and great looking double coats have so many great characteristics that you won't be able to resist. They are friendly and devoted, gentle and clever, lovable and interesting, just about everything that you could want from a perfect family pet.

Bengals are also quite expensive, but worth it. This mixture between domestic and Asian Leopard cat looks great, has nice manners, lovely nature and friendly personality. But, if you want something extraordinary, maybe you would rather choose Sphynx. This hairless, elegant, exceptionally clever and gentle animal is perfect for people with specific taste.

At the end, here are two breeds you will certainly enjoy having in your home. Russian Blue, with her nice manners, elegant look, astonishing beauty and friendly nature makes simply perfect family pet. These cats are also very playful and make friends with other pets. Ocicat is another choice for people who prefer really friendly pets. This great looking cross-breed between Siamese and Abyssinian is very playful and funny.

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