Sunday, December 10, 2017

Tips For Choosing The Best Pet Sitting Annapolis

By Jose Russell

A few years ago, you would not hear of services for walking or playing with pets. However, with people becoming busier, it becomes necessary to have someone stay with your dog while you are away. If you are in need of Pet Sitting Annapolis has well trained professionals that you could hire. Below are some simple tips that can help you through this process.

Check their references. You should get at least three references. This will help you get some additional information that you may not get from the individual. Most clients are always honest about the kind of services they received, that is if they really love their pets. Hence, you can rely on the information they provide to make your decision.

If you are hiring from a company, ensure that it is fully insured and bonded. This may not seem important to many people. However, you should remember that your cat could be injured when under the care of the sitter. If the injury is as a result of their negligence, then the company should compensate you. Thus, you should ensure that they have the resource for such an undertaking.

Check the nature of training they have received. Well, there is no mandatory training that one should get to provide pet-sitting service. However, there are several Animal Training and Pet Sitting Courses that one could take. These classes provide one with basic knowledge on various animals and skills on taking care of them.

Interview the sitter in person. It is advisable that you meet up and know more about the individual before you hand over your pet to them. You may have a great conversation on the phone and you may like them already. However, meeting up helps you know them deeper. Moreover, you will also get to know if they can get along with your cat or dog.

Highlight the services you would expect them to offer and confirm whether they actually provide all that you need. If you just want them to walk, play with, and feed the dog, then confirm they can do that. You should also ask if they provide any additional services. Note that some sitter may also help train your dog.

Ensure that you hire someone who is good at communication. You definitely do not want to hire a sitter you cannot find on the phone. It would be difficult for them to reach you or the vet in case of an emergency. Moreover, you would not be able to reach them to find out how the dog is doing.

Provide the sitter with adequate information about your cat. This should include the type of food they take, vitamins, or any treatments. You should also inform them about the medical history of the pet. They should also have your vet's contacts.

Lastly, you should discuss the pet's behavioral characteristics. Every animal is unique; hence, there are things that other cats may like but not yours. Your sitter should know these issues so that they do not do something that may agitate the cat. This will help them provide quality services in return.

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