Thursday, May 16, 2019

Discovering Holistic Healing For Animals

By Carol Fox

When family pets are injured or ill, it can often be a heart wrenching experience. Whereas, taking the animal to a veterinarian can often be expensive. As such, a number of veterinarian and animal clinics are now practicing holistic healing for animals.

In one example, after owners discovered a cat was not going to get any better after becoming paralyzed, the owners sought advice. In the process, the owners found Dr. Valerie Trudel whom owned an acupuncture and osteopathy clinic for animals. As such, the owners took the cat to Dr. Trudel. Upon examining the cat, the doctor feared the only option would be euthanasia.

Upon an initial examination, Dr. Trudel's first instinct was to prepare the cat's parents for the worse. Instead, the owners ask the veterinarian to try anything and everything that could prevent such an outcome. While at the same time, the owners knew that doing so could be a long, expensive and difficult journey. Nonetheless, the owners decided to move forward with alternative forms of treatment.

After the acupuncture treatment, the owners returned home with the cat while keeping a watchful eye on the animal for a full twenty four hours. Much to the owner's amazement, while having left the clinic with the cat laying on its stomach, the cat was laying on its side upon returning home. As the movement was the most the owners had seen in several days, this gave the owners at a glimmer of hope.

After two weeks, the owners returned to Dr. Trudel's practice for a follow-up appointment and to evaluate the next step in the cat's care. When the owners entered the clinic with the cat walking normally, Dr. Trudel was amazed at how responsive the cat had been to one session of acupuncture. While this is the case, there are many similar stories now taking place in the world of alternative and holistic animal care.

Like Dr. Trudel, there are many veterinarians now turning to these alternative practices. For, when traditional medications and surgeries are either unsuccessful or not an option, it can often be beneficial to try alternative solutions. Whereas, even if euthanasia becomes necessary, at least the owners know that all options have been examined and researched before having to make such a difficult decision.

In many cases, pet owners have discovered that traditional medications can often be harsh on the digestive systems of animals. Whereas, in other cases, the medications are just not strong enough to provide the necessary treatment to heal the animal. Since most pet owners consider pets to be family members, this is often hard on the owners as well. As such, many are now turning to alternative and holistic veterinary services so that the animals can remain as calm and comfortable even when not feeling well.

While traditional veterinarians and practices have discovered new and safer treatments for animals over the last few years, so too have alternative providers such as that of Dr. Trudel and Dr. Barnes. For, if an animal can be healed through osteopathy, acupuncture or natural medications, it can often be far less intense or invasive to the animal than traditional forms of medications and surgeries.

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