Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tips for Training Your Dog

By Geraldine Dimarco

Dog obedience training is not always an easy task for the impatient pet owner-but it is one that is always worthwhile. Not only will your house be in much better order, your canine will reap the benefits of being a well-behaved dog. He will be a well-rounded and happier dog, able to enjoy the company of people and other animals as well.

Is it difficult to train a dog? Well, it's not always the easiest thing to discipline something-much less one with a vocabulary limited to barks and yelps. However, when you get the basics down, progression will go much more smoothly. Here are some great dog training tips that will help you get to your goals as quickly as possible.

You can't expect to be effective in your canine training methods when you have not firmly established your status as the "leader of the pack". Remember, animals instinctively obey those he deems as his authority. Therefore, you must make it your first priority that he sees you as his master. Whenever you speak to him, use a strong and sure voice. Never go along with his whines except if he is in pain.

Repetition is habit forming-so repeat your commands and be consistent with them. Dogs get confused easily. They are not equipped with the same logic as human beings so take particular notice on how you train them. "Come!" is not the same as " Come here!" or "Come boy!". Use the same words for the same commands every single time.

It is vital that your pet is comfortable hanging out with humans and other animals growing up. It is always better to start socialization when they are young. You can do this by letting him meet all kinds of people, as well as letting him play with other healthy dogs. Pet him and hand feed him food. This will show the dog that physical contact is a good thing and this will prevent him from becoming domineering and difficult when he grows up.

Positive reinforcement is the recommended method of canine training. Give him a doggie treat whenever he successfully accomplishes a task you set for him. Rewards are not limited to food and treats; dogs also appreciate positive attention showered on them. Not a lot of things mean more to your dog than pleasing you.

Dog obedience training is most effective when they are kept short and sweet. Ten to fifteen minute sessions are enough training time before the canine starts losing focus on you and what you are saying. After each session, have a toy he can play with. Always conclude the training on a happy note so that he will have a good memory of "school".

Don't forget to keep your dog physically engaged regularly. Physical stimulation goes hand in hand with advancing his mental progress, adapting to your training better. Go ahead-use these dog training tips and enjoy quality time with a happy and well-behaved pet your friends will envy you for.

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