Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Secret To Crafting a Life Of Better Dogs

By Ronald Sargis

If you are in the process of getting a dog or puppy there are many things to think about before you make the leap. This can be a life altering thing and you want to make sure you get the right dog for your lifestyle. Different breeds of dogs can have very different personalities. When making this decision you have the option of choosing a purebred dog or a mixed breed dog, often called a mutt. Dogs with parents that are the same breed are considered purebred dogs.

You are often a little more aware of the temperament and physical looks of the dog when you get a purebred versus a mutt. If you want to be able to choose what characteristics your dog has, go with a purebred dog. Whether dogs love to play, have a lot of energy or are known to be gentle, they are usually categorized within their genetically predisposition personalities.

If you choose to buy a purebred dog instead of a mutt, it is vital that you go through a reputable breeder. Health issues can be common in certain purebred dogs. It is important that the breeder knows the male and female dogs long linage and all of its past health information. To try to limit any health issues the dog might face in the future, some breeders get the dog genetically tested before they breed.

Getting a purebred dog from a breeder is sometimes very important to people. One reason might be that only purebred dogs can participate in dog shows. If this is important to you, be sure to get the official American Kennel Club papers from your breeder when you purchase the puppy.

AKC papers ensure that the dog is purebred and conceived by two dogs that were also purebred and those dogs also have the correct papers. Three types of breeding exist; line breeding, out crossing and inbreeding. You should most likely look for a dog that has been line bred, it is the most common form and the most reliable.

When looking for the right breeder, do a lot of research both online and in person. Pick a breeder who either belongs to dog organizations or a breeding club for the specific breed you want, these breeders usually have good references also. You must be careful because some irresponsible breeders have inbred dogs which increases health issues and other major problems.

Stay away from getting your new dog at a local pet shop. Dogs from pet shops usually do not come with any information about their parents history.

Make sure to go online and talk to a few breeders before picking out the right dog and breeder for you. If you follow all of these tips, you are sure to bring home a happy and healthy dog.

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